In the shade of palm trees cliché, synonymous of exotic beaches, a shameful and dangerous business for the planet is hiding. The palm oil market is strongly increasing because it is used to make our furniture, our cakes, our cosmetics and most important of all, our biofuel (by the way this biofuel is not bio at all).
Indonesia is the second producer of palm oil in the world which is now considered like petroleum in Asia. Indonesian farmers are now changing their traditionnal crops to palm tree crops and they are sure that because the important yield rate ( 100 kilograms of fruits makes 22 liters of oil) is a way to become rich.
In 2008, one football field every 15 seconds was destroyed. Indonesia has now the highest rate of deforestation in the world. Gigantic fires were lit to burn forests and peat-bogs and as a result, Indonesia has now climbed to the third step of the carbon dioxyde producers country in the world, just after the China and the United States.
The soils are irreversibly damaged and Great Apes are now forced to live the forests, their original habitats. In less than 10 years Orang Outang is going to disappear from Indonesian islands. It is a disaster for the biodiversity and also for the forest ecosystem in which Orang Outang is an irreplaceable regulating element.
Who is conscious of that problem in Europe ? Not a lot of people seeing how members of the group "Biofuel does not feed its world" are treated.

Militants were forbiddent to enter The annual Paris Agriculture Show because they were trying to demonstrate within the visit of the French President.
Here is a small video from an Arte documentary (subtitled by myself)
Palm oil is one example telling us that the developement of Biofuel could be a good thing to replace Petroleum but there are direct effects on the wildlife and the flora. Forests are destroyed to grow palm trees, or corn in South America and as producing Biofuel is more profitable than growing other crops, everything is abandoned and replace by biofuel producing crops. Everything is linked on our planet and as human beigs unbalanced some important Earth systems our planet is reacting and suffering.
Thanks Zoé for your publication. It remembers me the orang outang I saw ten years ago in sumatra. I remember people were so proud of the forest and of their way of life. I can't imagine it begins so awful.
Let's ride our bikes again.
RépondreSupprimerI love monkeys!
I rellay appreciated your publication. I think we have to be concerned with this subject. I think the idea of a "biofuel" is nice but I have heard it starves people. The fields we use for biofuel are not used to "feed" the people, this is catastrophic ! I dont't know what the solution is but something must be done !
RépondreSupprimerGood post which shows the contradictions of ecology and reminds us the concept of downsizing (that you talked about last time)and that we need to change our way of life.
RépondreSupprimerA few years ago, I have heard that 20% of world's population consumes 80% of world ressources. Is this still true?
What can we expect of the future if country like China or India would do the same as we are doing? sounds like a nightmare.