lundi 16 mars 2009

In Europe

I would like to talk about the situation of "sans-papiers" in others countries.
I know what it's happening today in Italy. This country is becoming always more strict with immigrate people. We can take the interest in the law created by Silvio Berlusconi about illegal immigrantes in Italy.
This law wants italian doctors to denounce illegal immigrates who need to be cared : they have to report them to autorities.
The consequence of this, is that doctors are giving up Hippocratic Oath.
We can note that the government is ready to control the population forcing doctors denouce them.
The problem is that illegal immigrates will not desappear from the country! But they will not go to hospital to be cared when they will be ill.
So, the government is becoming a killer preventing illegal people caring themselves. Lot of illness would not be cared and they would propagate them in the population.
Doctors do not agree with this law : "If a doctor denounce an illegal person, he respects the law but he infringes the deontological code and the article 42 of the Constitution, but if he doesn't denounce, he conforms to every norms." told a doctor.
We understand that this law is going against the human rights like lots of others french laws. And if we don't want these law to be applied, we have to fight them showing we will not obey the governement.
That's what italian doctors are doing and I think all citizens should do that.

But this law is making me worring : today, we can note a tendency of repression from governments who are making an immigrates hunting. If we accept this, we accept a decrease of human rights. And when we would like to protest, we would not have the rights to do it.

this poem written by the pastor Martin Niemoller illustrates this very well :

In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Catholic.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

2 commentaires:

  1. Lucie, when I read you,I notice that the debate if fully opened. About illegal imigrants we have so many things to tell...But the futur will surely make the situation more clear.

  2. hey Lucie, this is a really interesting post, especially with the poem. I had heard it before somewhere, I'm not sure where though...

    Mind if I just make a few English suggestions? :
    - 'soigner quelqu'un' would be 'to care for somebody' or 'to take care of sb'...

    - ... but you can't "take care of" an illness; we say 'treat' an illness / a disease

    - in French: quand + futur is possible; in English we use when + present:
    "But they will not go to hospital to be cared FOR when they ARE ill"

    - this law is making me WORRY / making me nervous

    but I never had any difficulty understanding your post, very clear!
