dimanche 15 février 2009

War in Gaza

In this second post, I would like to reflect with you about the situation in Palestine and about the impunity of Israel. And I also want to make people reflect about our responsibility as citizens.

I went to a debate-conference about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and I heard some accounts from people who went in Gaza during the war and during the truce. These people were : one member of European parliament, one reporter at the newspaper "l'Humanité" and one doctor who went with others Europeans doctors to Gaza.

They told us what they saw in Gaza : people without houses, children alone because their family was dead under bombs... But they all were surprised by the courage and the desire to live of Palestinian.

The main problem of this conflict, is that Israel is colonizing the Palestine since 1948 and doesn't recognize it as a country, Israel is the fourth military strength in the world and nicknamed the "fifty-first state of the USA". So we understand that there is an unsteadiness between the two parts : USA and Europe are supported Israel in this conflict.

Israel told that he wanted to fight the Hamas but these people I saw (they are not the only) described how Israel uses some weapons and a strategy to murder Palestinian, innocents people : they use some weapons witch are made with phosphorus (they burn for 48 hours) and fragmentation bombs, when they explode, they scat lot of piece of steel and even if people are touched on their arm, these piece make lot of damage into the body. These weapons are made to murder most of people as it's possible.
Do you remember when Isreli soldiers ask to people to go in a house and after they put bombs on the same house, murdering 30 persons?
We understand that is not a war against the Hamas but a war against Palestinian.

Even if the UN ask to Israel to stop the war and accuse it of violation of the human rights, This nation doesn't mind and doesn't want to give the name of the generals who could have killed people even though it was not necessary.

Today, The human rights council of the UN is going to send a mission to investigate in Gaza about all the violations of international right. But we can be afraid that they won't find anything to accuse Israel...

The question here is how can we act to show that we don't support this war (witch is stopped now but we know it could start again)? Some associations (for example the Association France Palestine Solidarite, AFPS) want town hall of Lille make some acts of solidarity with Palestinian like put the Palestinian flag on the town hall or build an house of information about the Palestine...

What do you thing about that? Are you agree or not with my point of view?

1 commentaire:

  1. Hey Lucie great post. I agree with you about the problem: can we have a fair view of the conflict if we live in a country (e.g. UK / US) where the government supports one particular side?

    In guess that if France openly supported Palestine, they would definitely piss off Israel's allies!

    I hope that others will comment on this. I'm not sure I am highly informed about the subject - it's difficult when you're far away. Still, you seem to be making an effort!

    A few tips:
    - The ONU = The UN (United Nations)
    - Israeli people (not Israelian)
    - Remember that adjectives do not agree with nouns in English - they're invariable
    - "while it was not necessary" -- 'while' is a bit like 'pendant'.. A good expression to mean 'tandis que' is 'even though'

    But this doesn't mean your post was hard to understand at all!
