vendredi 30 janvier 2009


Hi !

I'm Zoé...
This blog is going to be useful for me to talk about every events which upsets and bothers me in France and in the world !!
I will try to post weekly what Fu**s up in my opinion in order to share my concerns about today society.
I'm a newbie in blogging, so I will try to use diversified sources (videos, pictures...) for my posts.
Don't hesitate to warn me if something doesn't work properly, and I'll manage to fix it...
I'm sorry in advance for my English writing level !!

Thanks for reading me, and see you soon !!!

jeudi 29 janvier 2009

Romanian Gypsies in France

Since Romania entered in Europe in January 2007, a lot of Rom families arrive in France. They leave their country in order to have a normal life: a house, a job, school for children, access to medical care…First of all here is a big confusion between roms and “gens du voyage”, roms aren’t French, they don’t have the French nationality, what’s why they cannot use the French social welfare. “Gens du voyage” are French citizens who have a different lifestyle : they live in Mobil home and move from camps to camps. Here are some hosting area for them : French government builds areas where they can clean themselves, cook and also be allowed to stay for a while. Let’s now talking more about our main subject: roms people.
Why do they leave their country?
Most of them don’t work or when they have professional activity, it’s a very bad job like dustman or city cleaner. Bosses hire a lot less Gypsies than Romanians. Either they have an illegal job so they don’t benefit of social services and they have a very low salary or they work for the city but their working conditions are very difficult. On no account they have a lot of money, they don’t live but survive. In Romania, when somebody doesn’t have money, he can’t access to medical care.
In Romania, Gypsies are victims of discrimination from Romanians.
Indeed, Romanians don’t like Gypsies. They accuse them sometimes rightly but often wrongly to be thieves, dirty, idle, or stupid. Violent acts against Gypsies are, fortunately, rare enough, but nobody can deny that they don’t exist.
Romanian Gypsies are sedentary, they have houses and they don’t live in caravan like lot of people can think it but they don’t have money and they are obliged to live out of the way.
Because of all this disagreements, they decide to leave their country rather than trying to build their lives in this one. In this point of view, they have nothing to lose.
They decide to come in France where they hope to know a better life. Therefore they travel to france though Europe with families by bus. They buy caravan when they arrive in france. Caravans are easy to buy for them and it allows an easy staying. They got a homefrom then, but working in france is a bit complicated for them. French government makes difficulties to allow they working. They only can work illegly as workers on construction sites and area keeping (house keeping, baby sitting). These jobs don’t pay enough for surviving. In addition they must respect a list of job broadcast by the ministry of labour. This list doesn’t include all kind of jobs. For example, roms can not work as an engineer or a lawyer! Only “primary jobs” are allowed. Hence they must work on the black market to earn enough money to feed their families. That’s why roms are known to be robbers, because they can’t work as every one, they find other ways to make money. In addition, French government doesn’t cheer them up to stay in France. French state doesn’t want their staying on the French territory and doesn’t settle any hosting systems. Such is the sad destiny of the roms people, being expulsed to country from country and having no issue to find a proper land. What can we do in order to save rompeople? What does Europe to give a hand to these population? Roms are now European citizens like us. When governments would begin to recognize them as people and not animals? Is France racist? Is president Sarkozy out of solution for roms people in France?

There are no real projects done for this people. The main problem is that nobody wants them in their own country but they are European citizen, so they got to be allowed to move wherever they want inside the European Union.

I'm Flo, and I would like to talk about Romanian Gypsies in France : life's condition, why they come in France,... They are excluded of society, in Romania like in France and everywhere, they are victims of discrimination for always, but why ? .....
What are solutions for them ? When will they have a normal life ? When will they be respected ?

No to the deportation of a student critically ill !

Hadj Mohand El Hadi, a student registered in mathematics at the university of Lille 1 is suffering from hepatitis B and is about to be deported in Algeria.
The council of administration of Lille 1 has voted a motion for the intervention of the president of the university next to the
préfet to cancel this expulsion.
The student is now hold up at the
centre de rétention of Lesquin despite his health state witch requires an hospitalization.
El Hadi is in France since 2005, he came with a visa of student but this year he could not renew his visa in the absence of adress.
To expulse him is put his life in a jeopardy and endage his studies and his future !

Students know that the mobilization is necessary and everybody has to support him.

For others informations about the " sans-papiers " :

The event we can see on the poster will take place at the cinema "l'univers", rue Danton in Lille, at 7 pm, free price.

I wanted to talk about that in my first article because I went to a rally in front of the prefecture of Lille to ask to the prefect to free him.
Some hundred people (students and others) were there, sitting down on the street and singing. There were of course, lot of "crs" and police.

I want to discuss with you about our responsibility as French students and French citizens.
I feel more affected in this case because is a student but I think that we have a responsibility also if the "sans-papier" is not a student.
What do you think about that? Are you agree or no with the rally? What do you think white-French people have to do?

mardi 27 janvier 2009


Well, it's now my turn to talk a little about me.

What makes me upset at the moment ?
  • The tons of plastic we use in everyday life, and by extension the lack of care people have for environment (and it's a person who throws nearly all his cigarettes to the ground when wandering in the streets who writes that...) ;
  • Trafficking : human trafficking, weapon trafficking, etc. (I haven't decided yet which was worse) ;
  • The coming of a more and more univocal media speech (I mean by that the recent fiasco of French public television) ;
  • The overrepresentation of the USA and the UK when dealing with English-speaking countries (I would like to hear about the other countries. What is happening in Canada, in New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, and Co at the moment?) ;
  • Lots of other things which Florence, Zoé and Lucie also disagree with.

Why am I upset with all that ?

And why wouldn't I ?..

No kidding...

  • I think our planet looks more and more like a trash can.
  • I think people are not to be considered as material that can be sold or traded, used and abused.
  • I think the use, manufacturing and selling of weapons should be strictly restricted.
  • I think we are heading towards an era of disinformation where mainstream media are held by a few people more interested in making money than actually informing people.
  • I think we hear too much about the traditional English-speaking couple. There must be things happening somewhere else in the English-speaking area that should be interesting to discuss.

I think the world is fucked up actually.

jeudi 22 janvier 2009


What i want to say about me is :

- Disagree with the situation in Gaza
- Disagree with the situation of The "sans-papiers" in France and in the whole world
- Disagree with the situation of prisoners and jails in France
- Disagree with others things

I would like to talk about this 3 subjects beacause :

- I want to enquire about The conflict of the moment and i don' t feel enough informed to have a real opinion
- I know the situation in french jails and i want to remain informed
- I want to understand and find our responsability as french people and french citizen in an international conflict which is the one between israeli and palestinian and in the french politic.
- I would like to find solutions and way of struggle not to be only depressed reflecting about this actuallity.

All that with my bad english!


Each contributor of this blog will introduce himself : not his personal life but his political vision of the actuality, events make him worried, fights concern him...

We choosed to create this blog together because we have the (nearly) same opinion about the society in which we live : we are not agree with a lot of thinks and we want to share ours feelings !

mardi 20 janvier 2009


With our feet in the shit but a smile on our lips, an upraised fist but comfortably sitting in front of our computers, this blog brings to you some material to reflect on, what we think is important to make a fuss about.

We would like to explore how we can participate to make people aware of everyday events that happen here and there, behind our front doors or on the other side of the planet, and fight them.

As a starter, Ladies and Gents', here are some of the subjects, this blog will deal with in the forthcoming days :

- The situation of the sans-papiers,
- The Palestinian-Israeli conflict,
- Trafficking around the world,
- ...

Based on films, newspaper articles and photos, and the contributors' opinions, this blog is a project for our English course in our Master I in French as a foreign language.